
17/11/2020 | 60 min. | Dr. Martín Laguna

Filosofía B.O.P.T. Libertad restauradora sobre diente e implante

El Dr. Martín Laguna mostrará en este WebSeminar cómo es posible cambiar la forma y posición de las parábolas gingivales en dientes tratados con coronas de recubrimiento total, solo mediante prótesis B.O.P.T.

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03/11/2020 | 60 min. | Dr. Carlos Oteo

Actualización en blanqueamiento dental 3.0

El blanqueamiento dental es hoy en día uno de los tratamientos de estética dental más demandados en la práctica diaria de un odontólogo, pero nos encontramos con el inconveniente de que los protocolos de blanqueamiento dental no están bien definidos. En este seminario aprenderemos a identificar cada caso individualmente, de modo que apliquemos el tratamiento correcto a cada cliente y tomemos decisiones en función del grado de oscurecimiento o la causa concreta.

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28/10/2020 | 60 min. | Dr. Tiziano Testori

Alternative treatment plans when sinus lift procedure is not the first option

Insufficient bone volume in the posterior maxilla is not in itself an indication for performing a lateral window maxillary sinus augmentation without considering available alternatives. With regards to the clinical condition, there are different treatments that have been proposed as alternatives to lateral window sinus augmentation: -hort implants -tilted implants and trans-sinus implants -pre- and post-sinus implants -fixed prostheses with distal cantilever

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20/10/2020 | 60 min. | Dr. Marco Esposito

Zygomatic, pterygoid, trans-sinus, tilted implants, and long cantilevered prostheses as alternatives to sinus lift

There are many other options for rehabilitating atrophic maxillae apart from sinus lift procedures and short implants. Many of these procedures are not back-up by solid scientific evidence, but may work clinically. a critical review of the literature will be made focusing on the available evidence and particular emphasis will be given to complications, that, as in the case of zygomatic implants, may be also severe. Likely in the near future, these alternative treatment options will be investigated more systematically.

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16/10/2020 | 60 min. | Dr. Diego Lops

The prosthetic emergence profile on implant-supported crowns. How to provide the beauty

What is the secret to reaching both predictable function and esthetics in profile on implant-supported crowns? During the live curse, Professor Diego Lops will provide the right treatment plan, the patient expectations, the surgical skills (implants, GbR, periodontal plastic surgery), the prosthetic solutions, and the potential of the new materials to help understand to provide Beauty in this specific scenario. The class will deliver to the audience technical and practical tools that can be easily applied and improve the clinic practices and the quality of your patients' services.

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17/09/2020 | 60 min. | Prof. Lorenzo Breschi

Luting strategies for adhesive dentistry

In this Webinar Prof. Lorenzo Breschi will present luting strategies for adhesive dentistry.

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10/09/2020 | 60 min. | Dr. Tiziano Testori

Surgical procedures step-by-step

The Sinus Elevation Procedure Is Still Evolving Due To The Development Of New Surgical Techniques And New Biomimetic Technologies; However, There Is Still No Unanimous Consensus On When To Adopt The Lateral Or Crestal Approach.

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01/09/2020 | 60 min. | Dr. Marco Esposito

Short implants as alternatives to maxillary sinus elevation

In this webinar, Dr. Marco Esposito will explain how short implants can be an alternative to maxillary sinus elevation.

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26/08/2020 | 60 min. | Prof. Lorenzo Breschi

Atrophic jaws rehabilitation using tilted implants: minimal invasive approach

Implant-prosthetic rehabilitations of immediate jaws represent a therapeutic possibility with a high success rate and satisfaction for the surgeon and the patient. However, the anatomy of the jaws, periodontal and iatrogenic damages represent limitations to the conventional rehabilitations of edentulous patients and with serious damage of the residual dental elements that would require preimplant bone regeneration treatments. These methods are to be considered for patients with a high biological and economic cost, with high morbility and LINKED TO THE OPERATOR EXPERIENCE

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23/07/2020 | 60 min. | Dr. Diego Lops

The Beauty and The Smile: The Rules. Part 1

What is the secret to reach both predictable function and esthetics in anterior areas? It is like cooking gourmet food... To know exactly the ingredients and be able to mix everything with the right balance. Just like in implant dentistry. We might be good to know the right treatment plan, the patient expectations, the surgical skills (implants, GbR, periodontal plastic surgery), the prosthetic solutions, and the potential of the new materials... And put all together for a wonderful natural smile line.

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